Master content marketing - 10 powerful strategies for high-converting content.

The Formula for Writing Marketing Content for Websites That Will Make Your Readers Take Action

Content marketing has become one of the most powerful marketing strategies, encompassing a variety of marketing channels that aim to drive traffic to websites, generate exposure, increase brand awareness, and generate new leads. Therefore, it is no wonder that marketers today are actively investing in converting their content. The only problem, in fact, is that the competition is super high, and therefore writing website marketing content and creating creative, engaging, and converting content becomes more challenging. Not only does this challenge touch on choosing the right topics or keywords, but also on deciding how to represent content assets that will interest users and get them to follow you.

This is where talented copywriters come in. They know that while visuals are critical to attracting users to brands, words are the most powerful tool to drive them to action. In the following lines we reveal simple and effective strategies for writing website marketing content and for a variety of digital marketing channels that will take your content conversion efforts to the next level. Shall we begin?

Strategies for Writing Website Marketing Content and for a Variety of Digital Marketing Channels

1. Writing for One Person

All copywriters know that it is essential to create each content asset for the target audience it is aimed at. Before you start writing website content and investing in Google Ads for small businesses, marketing through social media or through email, you need to conduct quantitative and qualitative research that will allow you to create a persona that represents the ideal customer. This person is the one you need to focus on so that the content is intriguing and converts.

But there is one catch: you need to forget about the demographics and other characteristics of this customer when writing. It’s not enough to write for a 40-year-old woman from London who loves shopping, books and Bridgerton. In addition, it is essential to understand her psychology, fears, goals, pain points and experiences. All of these affect the decisions she makes, and only once you understand these specific components, can you produce content that will attract her and make her want more.

2. Using the Language of the Target Audience

While it is essential to focus website marketing content around keywords, copywriters also strive to meet the needs of users in the texts. They create content intent trends in every piece of text they create, carefully choose phrases and messages, and weave them together.

Speaking of content trends, when it comes to writing website marketing content, and media in general, it is essential to take into account the purpose of the content – whether users need to take a specific action. Is the text intended to educate users and provide information? Or just to entertain them? Either way, it is essential to avoid sales language, write in a friendly way and maintain the brand’s voice and tone in order to design marketing content accordingly.

3. Using a Hook in the First Paragraph

Whether it’s organic advertising on Facebook, Google or any other marketing channel, everyone recognizes the power of the first sentence, especially when it comes to website content. This is what engages readers and drives them to continue reading.

Since the attention span is very short, you only have 5-8 seconds to grab users and make them want to continue reading the text. In addition, users need to overcome information overload to decide to read your text and not others. For this reason, the hook must be in the first paragraph, and it is this that will increase the time spent on the site and the chance of conversion.

4. Catchy and Relevant Headlines

The content title is the first thing users read on any marketing channel – sponsored posts on Facebook, content articles, and of course, website pages. Experienced copywriters and marketers leverage the power of headlines to intrigue readers and present what they will find in the content in an intriguing and clear way.

To increase the chances of attracting users through catchy and relevant headlines, it is recommended to use numbers, power words that evoke emotions, or tell the audience what they will gain (steps, tips, reasons, etc.).

5. Using Power Words

Power words make content sound emotional, influential, and persuasive. They are relevant to the website, but also to promoting businesses on social networks, Google My Business and any other content marketing channel, influence users’ decision-making and drive them to action. They are called “power words” because they communicate strong meanings and evoke an emotional response. With that in mind, it is important to be careful when choosing these words and to aim for the emotion you want to evoke in readers – fear, security, curiosity, etc.

6. Telling Stories

It’s hard to overstate the power of a good story when it comes to finding ways to market a business digitally. Given that the human brain retains information through stories and emotions, not statistics and facts, the best way to attract people is to tell them a story.

No matter what type of content you create – as part of sponsored ads, an Outbrain campaign, or LinkedIn advertising, the narrative is what helps connect users to the brand. It deals with the brand’s authenticity, presents it in a human way, conveys the vision and values and not just the product itself, and this is exactly what elicits the desired response from the consumer and encourages them to take action.

7. Answering the Question “So What?”

When writing content as part of marketing a business on Facebook, a new blog post or any other content marketing channel, it is essential to answer the question “So what?”, a question that readers will ask when reading.

Why should they care? What is in the post, article, or landing page that will make them continue to follow? This is where to mention proven copywriting tactics:

  • Making the content actionable, something that can be implemented
  • Demonstrating the value of the content using social proof, data, and user intent proof
  • Creating a sense of exclusivity among readers
  • Establishing the brand as an authority in the field

8. Online Persuasion

Whether it’s publishing blog articles, promoting businesses on Facebook, or any other content marketing channel, tailoring and personalizing content to audiences isn’t enough. It is essential to leverage certain aspects of human psychology using persuasion techniques. These include scarcity illusion, social proof, and reciprocity (giving value to the reader so they want to reciprocate by converting).

9. Maintaining Content Flow

When writing content, it is important to think about the readers and their experience. They won’t invest a lot of time trying to understand the message, and if they don’t get it quickly, they will abandon the page. To help them, it is essential to use transition words that keep the content flowing, to avoid complex words and professional jargon that they do not understand, to use short sentences and paragraphs, and to incorporate visual elements.

10. Adding a Call to Action

Readers won’t do anything unless they’re asked to. So, if the content isn’t about direct promotions or sales, it’s essential to do your best to add a call to action. Readers should understand ‘what’s next?’ A call to action can encourage engagement, website traffic, and conversions.

From Theory to Practice

Ultimately, it is important to implement all of the principles mentioned correctly. To make it easier for you, here is an example of how a page offering the services of a couples therapist should look. We have collected the key points and built you a template that can be applied to a variety of businesses from different fields, cut and save.

  1. Presenting the Business
  • Eye-catching headline – “Reignite the spark in your relationship”
  • Subtitle – “Couples therapy that will help you reconnect and strengthen your bond”
  • Call to action – “Schedule a free consultation”
  • Visual element – An inviting image of a happy couple or a calming therapeutic environment
  1. Introduction
  • Headline – “Welcome to the [Therapist’s Name] Clinic”
  • Paragraph – A short and to-the-point self-introduction, including the therapist’s skills and mission – to help couples overcome challenges and build stronger relationships.
  • Call to action – “Learn more about my treatment methods”
  1. Benefits of Therapy
  • Headline – “How therapy can help you”
  • Benefits – “Improve communication, provide tools for conflict resolution, rebuild trust, strengthen emotional connection, cultivate mutual understanding”
  • Symbols or images representing each benefit.
  1. About the Therapist
  • Headline: “Nice to meet you, I’m [Therapist’s Name]”
  • Paragraph – A detailed biography highlighting the therapist’s experience, treatment methods, and approach to couples therapy.
  • Visual – A professional picture of the therapist.
  • Call to action – “Schedule a meeting with me”
  1. Recommendations
  • Headline – “Success Stories”
  • Patient quotes – Short and impactful testimonials from past clients, including their names and photos (with permission).
  • Call to action – “See more success stories”
  1. Contact Form
  • Headline – “I want to change my relationship”
  • Form fields – Name, email, phone number, preferred consultation date and time, general description
  • Call to action – “Schedule a consultation”
  1. FAQ
  • Headline – “Frequently Asked Questions”
  • Accordion with questions:
  • What can we expect from the first session?
  • How long does each consultation last?
  • Are online sessions possible?
  • What is the cost of treatment?
  • How many sessions will we need?
  1. Footer
  • Elements – Contact information (phone, email, address), social media links

In conclusion,

As you can see, the writing strategies that copywriters and marketers choose and how they use them to build marketing messages significantly affect how the content is perceived and the purchasing decisions of the target audience. With the ultimate list we have prepared, you have writing tactics at your fingertips. This may be the best asset you have to achieve more conversions and ensure that your audiences take action. Worth a try, right?

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